5 Problems That Veneers Resolve

5 Problems That Veneers Resolve

When your smile looks great, you feel great, too. After all, your smile is often the first thing people notice about you, and it’s also a feature that a lot of people remember. If your smile looks its best, it’s only natural to feel good about the impression you’re making.

The problem: Perfect smiles almost never happen naturally. Most of us have imperfections that detract from our smiles and from our confidence, too. Fortunately, lots of those issues can be corrected with dental veneers, thin covers for your teeth designed to improve your smile aesthetics in just two visits.

Top-ranked providers of cosmetic dentistry treatments for patients in San Jose, California, our team at The Glen Dental uses beautiful, durable, state-of-the-art veneers to correct a host of imperfections. Here are five reasons why you might want to consider beautiful, natural-looking veneers.

1. Deeply stained teeth

Lots of things can cause tooth stains: coffee, tea, red wine, spices, tobacco — the list goes on and on. Many of these stains are superficial, embedding pigments in the top layer of tooth material. These superficial stains typically respond well to professional teeth whitening treatments.

But other stains penetrate much deeper into the tooth, and some stains actually occur in the inside pulp part of the tooth. These stains can’t be reached by whitening agents — but they’re easily camouflaged by veneers. Tinted to match your natural tooth shade, veneers cover deep stains and restore teeth, so they look their absolute best.

For even better results, many patients opt to have professional teeth whitening before getting veneers. That way, the veneer can be tinted to match your teeth when they look their whitest and brightest.

2. Worn teeth

Teeth are strong, designed to withstand years of chewing and biting. But despite that, they can still show signs of wear as we get older. Those signs are even more evident if we have a grinding habit (bruxism) or if we regularly chew on hard substances, like ice or hard candy.

Worn teeth can dramatically age your smile — and you, too. Veneers can help by restoring the appearance of your tooth’s natural contours, so it looks natural and healthy, and your smile looks younger and better cared for, as well.

3. Crooked teeth

No, veneers can’t replace orthodontics for correcting bite and alignment issues. But they can provide cosmetic correction for teeth that are crooked, angled, or out of line with neighboring teeth.

Because veneers rest on the surface of your tooth, we can shape them to make your smile look its best. Plus, veneers can do it all in just two office visits, giving you a more perfect smile without years of treatment.

4. Gaps between teeth

Sure, they might help you whistle. But gaps between teeth or unevenly spaced teeth detract from your smile — and they can even increase your risk of oral health problems by harboring decay- and disease-causing bacteria.

Veneers close up gaps between your teeth, restoring symmetry to your smile. Plus, each veneer is sized and shaped to ensure it complements your entire smile and always looks natural.

5. Misshapen or small teeth

Some teeth are naturally misshapen, while others become misshapen due to damage or decay. Like worn teeth, misshapen teeth or unusually small teeth make your smile look worn, older, and even poorly cared for.

Veneers are an ideal solution for teeth that are oddly shaped or even too small compared to the rest of your teeth or your overall smile. We expertly shape each veneer to restore teeth to their normal, natural shape.

Feel confident in your smile

Veneers are just one way our team can help you look and feel great about your smile and your oral health. To learn more about how we can help improve your smile aesthetics, call 669-205-1303 or book an appointment online with the team at The Glen Dental today.

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