Crowns vs. Veneers: Which Is Best?

Crowns vs. Veneers: Which Is Best?

Crowns and veneers are popular restorations for women and men who want to dramatically improve the way their smiles look. But while both options are widely used in smile makeovers, crowns and veneers do have some significant differences.

At The Glen Dental, our team offers beautiful, durable crowns and veneers to help patients in San Jose, California, feel confident about their beautiful smiles. Here’s how you can decide which option is the better choice for you.

Crowns: benefits and uses

Dental crowns have been around for a long time, and they’re widely used in many dental treatments. A crown is made of durable, tooth-colored porcelain, and it’s designed to encase the whole visible part of the tooth like a protective jacket.

Because they cover the entire tooth, they add strength in addition to improving cosmetic issues. That makes dental crowns a great choice if you have a tooth with substantial damage, such as:

  • Fractures
  • Deep cracks
  • Severe discoloration

Crowns are routinely used to protect a tooth that’s been treated by a root canal. Once the pulp portion of a tooth is removed, it’s not as strong, and it also typically turns gray over time. A crown works in two ways: to strengthen and protect the tooth and to cover the tooth entirely so it looks healthy and natural.

Finally, crowns are the best option if you want to cover a tooth that has a dark filling. Many people opt for crowns for back teeth that have visible restorations because crowns can hide earlier dental work, including dark fillings.

Veneers: benefits and uses

Veneers are also made of durable porcelain, but unlike a crown that encircles the tooth, a veneer is adhered to only the front surface of the tooth. Veneers are routinely used in smile makeovers to dramatically transform smile aesthetics.

Also very versatile, veneers can be used to correct cosmetic defects, such as:

  • Deeply stained teeth that resist whitening treatments
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Teeth that look too small
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Cracked or worn teeth
  • Crooked teeth

Because they’re placed on the front surfaces of teeth and not around the whole tooth, veneers require less tooth preparation before the restoration is placed.

Both crown and veneer treatments typically require two office visits: one to prepare the tooth and one to apply the final restoration. You can care for both crowns and veneers just like you care for your other teeth, with regular brushing and flossing and twice-yearly dental checkups.

Crowns vs. veneers: making the choice

Depending on the issue you’re treating, deciding whether to get a veneer or a crown is often fairly simple. But other times — for instance, if you want to cover a deeply discolored tooth — the choice isn’t so obvious.

At The Glen Dental, our dentists advise patients with treatment recommendations based on their aesthetic goals, their oral health, and other factors, so you can always feel confident that the choice you make will be the best one for you. To learn how our team can help transform your smile, book an appointment online or over the phone today.

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