What to Expect If You’re Getting a Crown

What to Expect If You're Getting a Crown

Dental crowns are a popular and versatile restorative treatment for people with badly damaged teeth. Each year in the U.S., millions of crowns are placed, helping people of all ages relieve painful symptoms, protect their oral health, and feel more confident and attractive. At The Glen Detal, Aman Bhullar, DMD, and Donald Pepper, DDS, use the most advanced techniques and […]

Adjusting to Life With Dentures

Adjusting to Life With Dentures

Dentures have a reputation for being bulky and cumbersome, but they’ve evolved over the years. Today’s dentures are easier to get used to and easier to live with long term because they are lighter and more natural-looking than ever before.Aman Bhullar, DMD of The Glen Dental in San Jose, California, helps patients overcome their dental insecurities. If you’re in […]

Remedy a Gummy Smile With Veneers

Remedy a Gummy Smile With Veneers

A confident smile goes a long way in imparting confidence and engendering goodwill. So when you cover up a gummy smile, you’re doing more than hiding your gums from the people around you. You’re also depriving them of your natural radiance, and you’re depriving yourself of a complete and genuine interaction. For a permanent fix […]

Chronic Bad Breath? It Could Be a Sign of Periodontal Disease

Chronic Bad Breath? It Could Be a Sign of Periodontal Disease

Have you noticed you have bad breath a lot of the time? Has it become an embarrassing issue that causes you to reach for gum or mints more often than you think you should? In many cases, bad breath has a direct cause, such as the things you eat or the way you brush your […]

Do You Need a Crown or a Bridge?

Do You Need a Crown or a Bridge?

A crown or a bridge is often necessary when you’ve damaged or lost a tooth. But crowns and bridges are best suited to different situations. Aman Bhullar, DMD of The Glen Dental in San Jose, California, explains what you need to know about crowns and bridges and which is right for you. What are crowns and bridges? Crowns and bridges are prosthetic dental […]

The Importance of Not Missing Your Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings and Checkups

The Importance of Not Missing Your Bi-Annual Dental Cleanings and Checkups

Everyone should get a dental checkup every six months. People who get regular checkups are less likely to develop dental disease and serious dental issues. A routine checkup involves two parts: a dental examination and a cleaning. If any issues are found, your dentist will create a treatment plan to address those issues. In addition […]

5 Tips for Overcoming Dental Anxiety

5 Tips for Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Lots of people suffer from dental anxiety. It’s one of the most common phobias in the United States. Dental anxiety can make you want to put off or avoid dental visits. But, it’s important to get regular dental care to keep small problems from developing into serious ones. At The Glen Dental in San Jose, CA, our […]

How Does IV Sedation Dentistry Work and Is It Right for You?

How Does IV Sedation Dentistry Work and Is It Right for You?

If you’re among the 15% of U.S. adults who avoid the dentist because you think that dental procedures are painful, then you haven’t yet experienced sedation dentistry. Whether you have a cavity, a tooth that needs to be pulled, or another problem that must be resolved to preserve your oral health, you don’t need to feel a […]

Those cartoons you saw as a kid really rooted in your imagination: Pulling out aching teeth with pliers or a string. Swollen, throbbing jaws tied up in scarves.

We’ll be the first to admit that spending an hour in the dentist's chair isn’t nearly as enjoyable as passing the same time with friends, but these short visits do provide you with something to smile about. If your fear or anxiety over visiting a dentist is causing you to avoid your dental care altogether, you run the risk of developing much larger problems that require more intervention — which is exactly what you’re trying to steer clear of in the first place. The good news is that we offer sedation dentistry, which allows us to keep your smile full of bright, healthy teeth, while making you feel comfortable at the same time. At The Glen Dental in San Jose, California, Aman Bhullar, DMD, and his experienced team of dental professionals understand the effects that dental anxiety and fear can have on our patients, which is why we offer different levels of sedation. Our compassionate team makes every effort to remove the fear and anxiety from your dental care equation to ensure that you get the ongoing dental care you need to maintain great oral health. If you’re letting your anxiety prevent you from taking care of your teeth, here’s how sedation dentistry can bridge the gap. Behind dental anxiety Between 9-15% of adults in the United States have some degree of dental anxiety, and we take no offense! The fact is that noisy instruments inside your head, as well as highly sensitive roots and tissues, are perfectly valid reasons for your anxiety. The problem is that the anxiety and fear often become anticipatory, as if every visit to our chair will somehow lead to discomfort. This is perfectly natural, but largely unfounded. Modern dental techniques have come a long way, and most of our procedures are designed to help you avoid pain, not create it. For example, a root canal procedure is nothing compared to an infected tooth that goes untreated. While we know you understand these consequences, this understanding certainly doesn’t help alleviate your anxiety, or downright fear, of getting dental work done. And that’s where sedation dentistry comes in. Providing peace of mind and great care Through sedation dentistry, we’re able to help you relax during your dental visit so that we can do what we do best — look after the health of your teeth and gums. There are several different levels of sedation, and we can find one that works best to keep you comfortable. The options include: Oral anti-anxiety medications Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) IV sedation If your anxiety is mild, we may simply take the edge off with an oral pill that you take before you come in. If your anxiety is mid-grade, IV sedation or laughing gas depresses your consciousness to a point where you’re still able to communicate and follow verbal commands, but your mind is elsewhere. In extreme cases, we can explore general anesthesia, which completely depresses your consciousness and requires a higher level of care on our part. Ultimately, our goal is to make sure that you’re comfortable during each of your visits with us. By providing you with sedation dentistry options, your visits won’t be a source of anxiety, especially knowing that you’re preventing larger problems down the road through excellent preventive care. To learn more about our sedation options, and all or your dental care needs, call our office a call at (669) 205-1303 to schedule a consultation. You can also send us a message online.

We’ll be the first to admit that spending an hour in the dentist’s chair isn’t nearly as enjoyable as passing the same time with friends, but these short visits do provide you with something to smile about. If your fear or anxiety over visiting a dentist is causing you to avoid your dental care altogether, […]

Invisalign Makes it Easy to Get Straight Teeth at Any Age

Invisalign Makes it Easy to Get Straight Teeth at Any Age

Few people are born with perfectly straight teeth. The most common way to straighten teeth is with metal braces that are bonded to the teeth and linked with metal wires. Unfortunately, braces can be clunky, take years to work, and affect the wearer’s self-esteem. Fortunately, there is a better way to straighten teeth: Invisalign®.  At The Glen […]